close-up detail of hand block printed jute rug in floral tulip and leaf motif in art nouveau inspired style in contemporary interior decor setting

NÉPI large printed rug


a gorgeous, botanical piece for the contemporary interior decor - with slight art nouveau vibes for the art-lover’s home! the NÉPI print is inspired by hungarian folk motifs, tulips, flowers and leaves but with a contemporary twist, hand printed on the rough, coarse jute.

the motifs used here are tulips and leaves, hand block printed with strong green and contrasting red, with a touch of light pink. a colourful, bold piece for a maximalist interior with some heritage references. a fabulous addition to the vintage decor in your home.

this is one of our largest rug to date, at 89cm width and 210cm length, including the 11cm tassels, connected with light pink trim on the short edges.

close-up detail of hand block printed jute rug in floral tulip and leaf motif in art nouveau inspired style in contemporary interior decor setting
hand block printed rug on floor with tassels in leaf and tulip heritage patterns
interior decor scene with golden shoes and floral hand printed jute rug in bold colours and folk motif
heritage inspired botanical pattern with folk motif hand printed for modern vintage inspired interiors
vintage inspired interior decor scene with folk motifs printed with bold colours on jute rug and gold shoes