cosy boho interior scene with travel-inspired, nomad-style rug on floor with cushions and fairy lights

KAKTUSZ large printed rug


one for the cosy, boho interior! this is a fabulous rug, printed with our weave-inspired KAKTUSZ tileset, resembling woven wool rugs, printed in light, pastel colours - a gorgeous layer in the modern, rustic home with a travel-inspired, eclectic style. it consists of five panels with different chess-arrengements of the printing blocks - a large middle panel and two narrow outer panels on the ends, connected with matching contrast stitches. it really is a beautiful addition to a warm and colourful home.

this is one of our largest rug to date, at 90cm width and 215cm length, including the 13cm tassels, connected with light purple trim on the short edges.

cosy boho interior scene with travel-inspired, nomad-style rug on floor with cushions and fairy lights
cosy interior scene, travel-inspired printed boho rug on floor with yellow chair and cushions and fairy lights
large rug folded on floor with travel-inspired nomad pattern on sustainable jute, with succulents
close-up detail of pale print and tassels on sustainable jute rug in travel-inspired pattern
large block printed rug with stitched panels and cushions on floor with fairy lights
close-up detail of stitched panels of printed sustainable jute rug
fairy lights laid on nomad-inspired, boho rug in cosy interior scene