NOMÁD colourful hand printed boho rug

NOMÁD printed rug


a colourful favourite of all globetrotters, this rug can be a beautiful piece in a boho interior. the NOMÁD pattern is a mixture of the KAKTUSZ tileset combined with the large palm printing block from the PÁLMAHÁZ collection. featuring double borders and a fluorescent green centre print, this is a truly tropical addition to the bohemian home.

this is one of our largest rugs at 71 x 151 cm including 10 cm long fringes on the short edges with a burnt orange accent stitch.

NOMÁD colourful hand printed boho rug
NOMÁD colourful hand printed boho rug detail of tassels
NOMÁD green and copper hand block printed boho rug
NOMÁD colourful hand printed boho style rug